WEEK 5 LESSON: September 29, 2024

WEEK 5 LESSON: September 29, 2024

  • G2K: God helps us do big things!

  • Memory Verse: James 1:5 - “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

  • Bible Lesson: The Queen of Sheba Visits: 2 Chronicles 9:1–12; Psalm 124

WEEKLY CHALLENGE: This week we talked about how God helps us do big things! God helps us when we are in trouble. God helps us when we don't know what to do or where to turn. When we feel trapped, God helps us find a way out. Psalm 124:8 says that our help comes from the very God who created all things. It's not just anyone who helps us do big things. God helps us do big things! To help further this lesson, follow the instructions below.

Instructions: For this activity, you'll need to give each of your kids a blank gift box that they will use to make a toolbox. To make this toolbox, have your kids write today's Good To Know (or all the ones from this series) on their box.

  • God gives us directions to follow.

  • God listens to our requests.

  • God is worthy of our worship.

  • God gives us true wisdom.

  • God helps us do big things.

Then draw pictures of construction tools or vehicles to decorate the toolbox. As we went under construction this month, we learned a lot through the story of Solomon. It's wonderful to have all of these amazing truths to carry with us in our toolbox for life!

FAMILY TIME: Use these questions to start a conversation with your children about this week’s lesson.

  • Read Psalm 124:8. Where can we look for help in anything we do?

  • What are some big things you want to do for God?

  • What can we do when we need help doing big things? Who can we go to? Who are some people who can help us with our tasks?


WEEK 1 LESSON: October 6th, 2024


WEEK 4 LESSON: September 22, 2024