WEEK 1 LESSON: October 6th, 2024

WEEK 1 LESSON: October 6, 2024

  • G2K: God is with me no matter what I go through!

  • Memory Verse: Psalm 121:8 - “The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

  • Bible Lesson: Job Is Tested: Job 1–2:10; Hebrews 2:5–12

WEEKLY CHALLENGE: This week we talked about how God is with us no matter what we are going through! When we experience the "fog" in life, like hard times when we can't understand what's happening, we have God as our navigator. God is always with us to guide us every step of the way–even when we can't see what's coming up next. God can see everything! We can always count on God! To help further this lesson, follow the instructions below.

Instructions: For this activity, you'll need to give each of your kids an index card that they will use to make a baggage tag. To make the tag, have them cut off the corners on one side of the card then hole punch the middle. Add reinforcements around the hole on both sides of the paper and loop yarn or string through it. On the blank side, kids can decorate however they'd like. On the back side with the lines, invite them to write the memory verse or the Good To Know.

As we go through life, we collect our own baggage—struggles, heartbreaks, and sadness. But just like we stow or check our baggage away when we board a flight, we can give our baggage to God. God understands our experiences and stays with us the whole time. Put your baggage tag on your bag or use it as a bookmark. Or you could you even gift it to someone who's going through a tough time. What a great reminder that God is with us no matter what we go through!

FAMILY TIME: Use these questions to start a conversation with your children about this week’s lesson.

  • Read Hebrews 2:11. How does this verse remind you that God is always with you?

  • What are some feelings we might have when things happen that we can't explain?

  • What can you do when you go through tough times because you know God is with you?


WEEK 5 LESSON: September 29, 2024