WEEK 3 LESSON: September 15, 2024

WEEK 3 LESSON: September 15, 2024

  • G2K: God is worthy of our worship.

  • Memory Verse: James 1:5 - “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

  • Bible Lesson: Solomon Builds The Temple: 2 Chronicles 5:1–14; James 3:9–12

WEEKLY CHALLENGE: This week we talked about how God is worthy of our worship!  Worshiping God is more than going to church, singing songs, and praying. Worship is about how we live our lives in community with others as well. We show God is worthy of our worship every day, not just by praising God but also by how we treat one another. If we want to give God our best worship, we have to do so with every part of our lives. To help further this lesson, follow the instructions below.

Instructions: For this activity, you'll need to give each of your kids an envelope that they will make in to a church. To make this, have your kids rip open the flaps gently at the seams. Have them draw themselves worshiping on the inside part of the envelope. Then they can flip the envelope around and design the outside of the building. Invite them to write the Good to Know (G2K) on their church. You can also provide construction paper for them to decorate their envelope with.

FAMILY TIME: Use these questions to start a conversation with your children about this week’s lesson.

  • Read James 3:10. What do you think "praising God and cursing others from the same mouth" has to do with worship?

  • What are some ways you love to worship God?

  • Are we restricted to just one certain place to worship? Where can we worship or show our love to God?


WEEK 4 LESSON: September 22, 2024


WEEK 2 LESSON: September 8, 2024