WEEK 2 LESSON: September 8, 2024

WEEK 2 LESSON: September 8, 2024

  • G2K: God listens to our requests.

  • Memory Verse: James 1:5 - “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

  • Bible Lesson: Solomon Asks for Wisdom: 1 Kings 3:1–15; Proverbs 22:1–2, 8–9, 22–23

WEEKLY CHALLENGE: This week we talked about how we can always count on God to listen to us and be there for us. God loves us, God hears us, and God listens to our requests. Solomon knew he was a work in progress so he humbly asked for God's help. So can we! To help further this lesson, follow the instructions below.

Instructions: For this activity, you'll need to give each of your kids an empty toilet paper or paper towel roll that has been cut in half, orange construction paper, a blank label, white tape, and a precut circle of orange construction paper roughly four to five inches in diameter. Have them cut their orange paper to size so it covers their tube then glue or tape it down to look like a traffic cone. They can add white tape to create the stripes on their cone, and then write the Good to Know (G2K) on the blank label and stick it on one of the stripes. To complete the traffic cone, have them tape the orange circle to the bottom side of the cone. What is the purpose of a construction cone? Yes, it alerts people that there is construction work up ahead. Our cones can remind us that even though we may forever be under construction, God's working with us and we can know that God listens to our requests!

FAMILY TIME: Use these questions to start a conversation with your children about this week’s lesson.

  • Read Proverbs 22:1–2. How do these words written by Solomon show that God listened to his request for wisdom?

  • What do you think it means if God doesn't give us something we request?

  • How can we be sure God always listens to us?



WEEK 3 LESSON: September 15, 2024