WEEK 3 LESSON: October 20th, 2024
WEEK 3 LESSON: October 20, 2024
G2K: We can trust God will make everything right!
Memory Verse: Psalm 121:8 - “The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”
Bible Lesson: Job Is Restored: Job 42:1–17; Mark10:46–52
WEEKLY CHALLENGE: This week we talked about how we can trust God to make everything right! Life can be messy because, although God made the world wonderfully, He also allowed people to make their own choices. Over time, many bad choices have led to bad things lingering, making the world unjust and confusing at times. But God promises it won’t be this way forever. One day, God will fix all that is broken, and things like war, poverty, hunger, and fear will be gone forever. Until that day comes, we can go through each day leaning on God, thankful that He is still with us and loves us. To help further this lesson, follow the instructions below.
Instructions: For this activity, give your child a keychain like the ones shown here. To make this keepsake, have your kids use markers to write the "Good to Know" statement or memory verse, or they can draw a picture on a piece of paper that fits inside their keychain. Souvenirs are a great way to carry a reminder of your experiences with you. We hope this souvenir keychain will always remind your child of the lessons we learned together through Job’s journey. Remember, life may not be perfect, but we have hope in God, and we can trust that He will make everything right.
FAMILY TIME: Use these questions to start a conversation with your children about this week’s lesson.
Read Mark 10:52. How did Jesus make things right for Bartimaeus?
What does it mean or look like to have things made right?
What are some things you want to see made right in the world around you?