NOTE: This training is for 5th graders who missed or did not sign up for the first training session. If your child went to the first training session they do not have to go to this one.
If you have a student going to 5th grade that attends Mount Paran, we would love to invite them to join our leader discipleship program and become a World Changer!
In becoming a World Changer, your child will learn more about what it means to truly receive from God, to know His voice, and grow as a leader. World Changers will have the opportunity to serve in a variety of roles during the Sunday services. Throughout the school year, there will be bi-monthly Zoom Bible studies, which will be one of the main focuses for our World Changers this season. During these times, we will help equip them in knowing Christ better, following Him, and digging deeper into God's word.
Requirements for becoming a World Changer:
$35 registration fee to cover course material.
Have accepted Jesus Christ into their lives as Lord and Savior.
Complete a 100-word essay: “Why I want to be a World Changer, and why is it important to study God's word?”
The essay is due no later than Sunday, July 25th. You may fill out the essay portion during this registration process.
Parents will download and use the Dojo app. The Dojo app will be used for future World Changer communications with parents. Invitations to the Dojo app will be sent after the registration process is complete.
There will be a Parent Meeting at the end of the World Changer Training at 2:30 pm. Parents please plan to be there.